What I'm Working On Now

Three short films are in Post-Production, soon to be submitting to film festivals.
Producing/editing a pilot for a new web-series inspired by the Alice in Wonderland tales.
Producing/editing a documentary on Gene Roddenberry and the genesis of Star Trek The Original Series.
There are a number of other projects in development, just waiting their turn to be produced.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Joan's body and mind ached. She'd given up on screaming and beating on the walls. Sleep was becoming more and more elusive and as the sleep deprivation combined with her claustrophobia, Joan knew it was only a matter of time before she lost her mind again. There wasn't much to do but wait.
And then the door began to open. A sharp sliver of light pierced the flames and Joan rushed towards it.
Stop burning!” cried a voice from without.
I can't,” Joan replied, coming to a halt as her desire for freedom was checked by her desire to not burn anyone. She looked behind her to the small pipe coming out of the wall on the far side of the dome and she gave an involuntary shiver. “But,” Joan went on, “I can keep my fire from burning you. Just hold still.”
As slowly and carefully as she could manage, Joan reached outward with her fire. Wherever it touched the walls of the dome, Joan's fire was sucked away and left her cold. After a time, though, Joan felt the warmth of skin and at once she held her fire back from burning, just as she did for her own body.
Are you alright?” Joan asked when she heard a sharp cry from without.
Yes,” came the reply, “it was just a bit unexpected.”
Knowing it was safe now, Joan hurried out the door. There, looking both frightened and excited, was Melanie. A guard was just stepping out the door of the enclosure, leaving them by themselves.
It's so good to see you,” Joan said and she wrapped Melanie in a tight hug.
Joan, I have to tell you,” Melanie spoke in a rush, “We had to break in here to see you and I don't know how much time we'll have.”
We?” Joan asked, looking passed Melanie toward the door the guard had just exited through. She scowled and her fire burned hotter at the thought of her captors.
They're on our side,” Melanie said, “or at least, some of them are. They helped me get in here.”
Are you going to get me out of here?” Joan asked hopefully.
Melanie looked down and Joan's hopes fell with them.
I'm sorry,” Melanie said.
Then why did you come here?” It didn't make any sense to Joan why Melanie would do this if not to rescue her.
It's the best we can do, Joan. There's no where we could hide you that they wouldn't find, no way to guarantee you wouldn't accidentally burn someone else.”
But look,” Joan pleaded and she cast her hand toward Melanie, throwing a surge of flame at her.
Melanie fell back as the fire spurt struck her, blowing her hair and clothes about as though they were caught in a strong wind.
I can keep from lighting other things on fire,” Joan said.
I can see that,” Melanie said shakily, “but what about when you're asleep?”
Joan knew the answer to that question but she wasn't going to give up so easily on what could possibly be her last chance at freedom.
It'll be fine,” she said. “We'd just have to be careful, that's all.”
Time passed in agonizing slowness as Melanie thought, occasionally casting a glance to the exit of the enclosure.
Please,” Joan whispered without realizing it.
But they say you never stop burning now,” Melanie explained. “How would we hide you?”
Joan looked back to the inside of the Heat Machine. Just visible in the flickering firelight was the pipe at the back of the dome.
They won't let me stop,” Joan said.
What do you mean?” Melanie asked.
I mean they found a way to keep me always burning.”
Can you see that pipe in there?” Joan pointed to the pipe and Melanie nodded. “It's a pilot light,” she explained, “If I go out, the fire from the pipe starts to burn me and I automatically reignite to protect myself.”
But you're not near the pilot light now,” Melanie said, “why can't you stop burning now?”
Joan hung her head and didn't answer. Melanie didn't press her any further and instead she changed the subject.
Mike and I are getting married,” Melanie told Joan with a bit more levity in her voice.
That's wonderful!” Joan exclaimed.
Yeah, it is,” Melanie went on. “We were going to wait a bit longer, you know, but with how things are going right now...
Melanie trailed off and Joan understood. Everyone's future was so uncertain now, who knew what tomorrow would bring. After a few more moments' pause, Melanie pulled out her cell phone.
There's no reception in here,” Joan said.
I'm not making a phone call,” Melanie said with a sly smile and she held up her phone toward Joan. A quiet click signaled her taking a picture. “I might not be able to break you out,” Melanie said, “but I can show others how you're being mistreated and try to get you out that way.”
Melanie was still busy taking pictures when the door to the enclosure opened. Joan expected to see the guard returning but was surprised when, instead, a tall black man strolled through the open door and stopped at the edge of Joan's flame.
I'm afraid this visit is ended,” the man said in a smooth, deep voice.
Who are you?” Joan asked.
I am your friend Melanie's escort out of here,” he said with a tone of finality.
Where are the guards?” Melanie asked wearily.
I've already escorted them out of this facility,” he said, and without any further elaboration he held out his hand for Melanie to join him.
And if I just decide to burn you?” Joan asked.
No,” Melanie said and she laid a hand on Joan's shoulder. “I'll go with you,” she said to the man and walked out of Joan's fire.

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