There once was a girl named Beru
Who took everything said as quite true
So after a date said she sang like an ape
She formed a new band at the zoo
Quite often I set myself musing
On a creature I fear might abuse me
But when needing to think, nothing else can compete
When compared to this swordfish I'm using
There once was a duel fought out
Where the victor was clearly less stout
Ere' the fisherman died he rose up and cried
“Such a fierce blow from a trout”
A fine hardy yak from Tibet
Found its way down the hills to my step
With sweet glossy eyes, and looking so wise
It asked if I knew Johnny Depp
One bright sunny morning in May
A friend and I set out to play
Though others did stare at a sight so rare
As a child playing tag with a Grey
(Greys are the little aliens with the big heads)
You're having too much fun today :)